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Mayhew Island Visits Are On the Schedule!

Visitors are a welcome and regular sight at Mayhew Island during the summer. Each year Mayhew hosts 15-20 visits to the island, typically welcoming more than 100 visitors over the course of the summer. Visitors often include members of the Newfound Lake community, school officials such as guidance counselors or teachers, past program participants, former Mayhew summer staff, current and past Mayhew trustees, donors, and volunteers.

This summer visitors have been invited to the Island without the restrictions imposed by the COVID-19 pandemic the last few years. A visit to Mayhew Island really is the perfect opportunity to see the program in action. Visitors get a feel for how the boys participate in the program, from interactions with counselors and cabinmates, to handling challenging moments and celebrating wins.

Each visit begins with a tour of the island and program facilities, which provides a unique chance to see the boys engaged in activities with their cabin group all around the island. On the ball field you might see two groups engaged in a soccer match or softball game, or a group practicing their strokes in the nearby swim cove. As you walk the island paths, you’ll most likely see evidence of the boys’ Work Hour projects or catch a glimpse of a group working together on one of Mayhew’s many climb initiatives. There is never a dull day on the island!

But the absolute highlight of these visits? Sharing a meal with the Mayhew boys. Each visitor gets the opportunity to sit with a cabin group during lunch or dinner, to converse with the boys and learn about their experiences during the summer - the good and the bad! It’s hard not to leave with a smile after solving a riddle posed by a boy, sharing a joke, or joining in the table cheer with your group.

Interested in visiting? There are still plenty of August visit dates! Call the Mayhew Office at 603-744-6131 to schedule your tour or visit to sign up online. We can’t wait to have you visit!

**Please note, family members of boys currently at camp on the island are not able to join these visits.**

Photo slide show: Executive Director Jim Nute explains Don's Wall (1) and various climbs as the group walks through the woods (2 and 3), members of the Bristol Rotary share a meal with Straight Outta Newfound and the Consecutive Executives (4 and 5), a Mayhew boat brings visitors to and from the island, with tours happening rain or shine (6 and 7).

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