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Give to the Boys

Make an impact and provide a Mayhew boy with a good start on the future. 

Give to the Annual Fund

Annual Fund gifts have an immediate impact at Mayhew. These contributions are deposited and fully spent in the same year to support all aspects of our program, covering the cost of the residential summer experience for the 10-12 year old boys, the Link Up adventure trips, outreach visits and school-year mentoring for all of the boys, and more.


As a tuition-free program, Mayhew relies on the generosity of many to provide the boys with this transformative program.  

Your Gift At Work:

Covers the average cost of a community visit for two boys and his outreach worker, which could include a meal out, tickets to a museum, a pass to visit a local YMCA, equipment rentals, a new boardgame for the group, and more. 


Pays the starting salary of a boy for a week of summer employment as kitchen staff or as a CIT on the island.  


Covers the cost of serving approximately 285 meals during the summer session on the island. 


Covers tuition for a boy to participate in community outreach visits with a full-time staff member throughout the school year. 

A gift to Mayhew can truly change a life. Thank you for believing in Mayhew’s mission to challenge and help at-risk New Hampshire boys to believe in themselves, work well with others, and find their best! 
Stock Gifts

Gifts of Stock

Giving appreciated stock is an excellent way to support Mayhew while receiving favorable tax treatment – you can give more at the same net cost of making a cash gift!  By donating appreciated stock that has been held for more than a year directly to Mayhew, you can avoid paying capital gains taxes that would normally be due upon sale.   


Securities held by your broker or bank may be delivered by wire through the Depository Trust Company (DTC) to our brokerage account. To facilitate the transfer, please contact your broker/bank and provide them with the name of the stock, the number of shares you wish to contribute and the following instructions: 

Account Name :
Custodian :
DTC Broker # :
Account # :
Mayhew, Inc.
Charles Schwab

Please let us know when you donate stock! The transfer does not give us your name, so to ensure you receive proper credit for your donation, please contact our office at 603-744-6131 or with the following information: 

  • Your name

  • Name of the stock

  • Number of shares of stock

  • Approximate dollar value of the stock

  • Name of your brokerage firm/contact

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Give through a Donor Advised Fund

A Donor Advised Fund (DAF) is a centralized vehicle for charitable giving. DAFs allow donors to make a charitable contribution, receive an immediate tax deduction, and then recommend grants from the fund over time. Most DAFs can be established with gifts of appreciated securities and other assets in addition to cash. 


If you already have a DAF, simply request a grant distribution through your DAF sponsor. Be sure to use Mayhew’s Federal EIN # 23-7423042. If your DAF is at Fidelity Charitable, Schwab Charitable, or BNY Mellon Charitable Gift Fund you maybe be able to direct a grant to Mayhew through the DAF Direct online portal 


When you make a Donor Advised Fund gift, it’s possible that the sponsoring organization will not share your information with us. Please send us a note at or call 603-744-6131 when you’ve made a gift so we can make sure to thank you and ensure that your gift is used how you intend. 


Consider making a planned gift by designating Mayhew as a successor-in-interest on your Donor-Advised Fund. Naming Mayhew as a successor-in-interest is an easy process, like making a beneficiary designation.  When you make a planned gift to Mayhew you join other dedicated donors in the Mayhew Legacy Society.  

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Other Ways to Give

  • Who is eligible for Mayhew?
    Candidates for Mayhew are 10- or 11- year old New Hampshire boys from single parent, low-income families. In addition, candidates must live in a town that Mayhew serves to be considered for enrollment. See the list of Towns Served below for more information. (If you’re considering referring a boy who does not match these criteria, please first consult with Grayson Richey, Mayhew’s Program Director, at 603-254-3909.)
  • Why are boys typically referred to Mayhew?
    Boys are referred to Mayhew for many different reasons. Some boys have demonstrated questionable behaviors at home and at school that make them at-risk for more serious problems in the future and could benefit from some redirection. Other boys simply lack opportunities to participate in the sorts of activities that Mayhew offers. Still other boys are referred to Mayhew simply because they can benefit from the boost in self-esteem that Mayhew often provides. Mayhew accepts referrals from principals, teachers, counselors, social workers, and other youth officials from many areas throughout New Hampshire from mid-January to mid-March each year.
  • As a referring official, what information should I share with a prospective candidate and with his family?
    First, it is important that you speak with the family of any candidate you’re considering referring to obtain permission to submit an application. On the other hand, we encourage you (and by extension, the family) not to disclose anything to the boy himself initially. Mayhew receives many referrals each spring and we inevitably have to turn away some very appropriate and deserving candidates due to limited openings. We don’t want a boy to get excited about the opportunity to participate before there’s a clear signal from Mayhew that there’s a good chance he might be enrolled. In terms of information about the program, please refer any prospective families to this website. In addition, you may download and print our Prospective Family FAQ.
  • What is the selection process like?
    The selection process for choosing which boys to invite to Mayhew begins in April. We review all of the referrals, weighing both objective factors like family income, family make-up, candidate age as well as subjective factors like apparent need and ability to benefit from the program. We then meet with the best prospects and their families to explain the program and to make a final assessment of each boy’s appropriateness and readiness for the challenge. Invariably, boys and families see Mayhew as a chance that may seem too good to be true. We try hard to undersell the program and emphasize at each step the serious commitment the boy and family must make. During this meeting, the boy is asked to sign a contract agreeing to participate fully in everything at Mayhew, to work hard, to always strive to be respectful, and to abide by a high standard of behavior should he be invited to participate. Final selections for the program are made by early June. We like to think that everyone could benefit from involvement in the Mayhew Program. The tough task for us as a Program is deciding which boys—among the many referred—might benefit most from their involvement with the program.
  • Are there criteria that might make a boy ineligible for the program?
    Yes. Unfortunately Mayhew does not have the resources to work with boys who have a history of acting-out sexually or with boys who have a history of extremely aggressive or dangerous behaviors. In addition, certain health or medical conditions may preclude a boy from participating. (If you have any doubts about the appropriateness of a potential candidate, please first call and speak with Grayson Richey, Mayhew’s Program Director, at 603-254-3909 before completing a referral application.)
  • What if I have other questions?
    For more information, please call Grayson Richey, Mayhew’s Program Director, at (603) 254-3909.
  • How do I submit a referral?
    Please click here to access our Referral Application Page.
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