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Link-Up Week 3: Have you ever seen the rain?!

By Bella Rowe, Link-Up Co-Leader

"Have you ever seen the rain?!" Our third group of Links showed particular patience and tenacity over the course of their adventure - including an amazing ability to accept, prepare for, and wait out a storm that never actually arrived! 


We connected at the Base House on a hot Monday evening - some boys were familiar with each other from past summers and Mayhew gatherings, so we started off with a great foundation. After eating dinner outside, and no rain to cut through the humidity, we decided to head out for an evening swim. The sunset behind us was beautiful, but we eventually, and reluctantly, got out of the water and headed back to discuss the week ahead. 


With Hurricane Beryl moving over Texas, the forecast for the region up in New England was unclear, but there was the possibility of severe weather. Despite the possibility of inclement weather, Links wanted to push on and camp even if it that meant camping in the rain - a very determined group! We ended the evening hearing about the history of Mayhew - including a bear encounter on a 'Mayhew March' many years ago.


We woke up Tuesday ready to get moving to Quincy Bog, knowing this might be the last clear weather day. We circled the bog and saw birds, frogs, and almost a muskrat! At the end of our visit we were invited in to view their exhibits which included a curated collection of animal bones. Lunch was eaten at the Warren Fish Hatchery before cooling off at sculptured rocks. We swam above the main falls in a section that felt like a little cave, and were excited to see a group of 'Funday' boys from the island arriving to jump just as the Links were heading back to Bristol. 


Back at the Base House our group of Links wrote postcards to boys on the island before traveling over for dinner, and bringing the last of the gnomes. We traveled back to the mainland for a new Link to join the group, just in time for all of us to hop in canoes - some for the first time! - with fishing rods. We sat in our boats just off of North Beach and caught the sunset (but no fish). 


The Wednesday forecast was for a major storm to roll through just after lunch, so we packed up to canoes, but opted to wait until later in the afternoon before moving towards Cliff Island. We made the most of the morning on a hike around Goose Pond, spotting more animal tracks and observing how the bluegill fish in the pond defended their nests when an 'intruder' came along. The group was pleased to hear that the distance we hiked around Goose Pond was similar to what was ahead for us on Mt. Cardigan. Staff pondered the forecast over a lunch of fried rice, seeing that the storm continued to be pushed out to later in the day, and yet there was nothing on the radar...


We packed extra tarps and set the expectation for rain, and headed out to Cliff Island's northern campsite, Big Cliff. We paused near the sandbar to connect our canoes and use a hammock as a 'sail' - winds were pushing us gently toward Cliff Island! It was nearing dinner when we arrived, so once boats had been emptied and carried, boys swam and ate trail mix. We selected tent sites and began setting up a tarp system. It was past 8pm by the time we had all eaten chicken fajitas and the group was a little fatigued so we had a mellow evening cleaning up camp and enjoying s'mores, riddles, and Magic: the Gathering around the campfire. 


We woke up Thursday realizing the major storm had never arrived. Tarps and tents were packed away, we enjoyed oatmeal with fixings for breakfast, and began our canoe back toward the Base House. Winds proved a little challenging and we did our best to stick to group travel principles. Boys cooled off in the water once we arrived at the mainland, and we began our transition to the Cardigan hike. The group chose to hike up the Vistamont Trail before cutting back to the Clark Trail to make it to the high hut. Five boys chose to summit South Cardigan that evening after a pesto pasta dinner. Others played Magic and watched the stars outside with a staff member particularly talented in reading the sky. 


More sunshine was in store for us Friday and the entire group began the walk up to the peak of Cardigan. It was glorious to reach the summit, and made a breakfast of choc chip and blueberry pancakes even more delicious. We quickly packed and cleaned the hut - striving to leave it in better shape than we found it - and headed down the steeper Cathedral Forest Trail before enjoying lunch on the grass at Cardigan Lodge. We swam at Welton Falls and appreciated how the sunshine lit up the pools and allowed us to see all the way to the rocky bottom.


Back at the Base House, Links prepared homemade pizzas for the group and we closed out the week with a reflection on highlights and challenges. 


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