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Donor Spotlight: Northeast Credit Union

Northeast Credit Union believes a bank can have a positive impact on its members and on the world around them. Mayhew has certainly seen this mission in action through Northeast’s generous support of the program in 2023.

This spring, Northeast Credit Union employees came together to raise almost $6,000 to support Mayhew’s summer meal program. Each summer, the boys at camp are served more than 11,850 healthy, hearty meals, and due to inflation, the costs to provide these nutritious meals have skyrocketed. Knowing the importance of access to healthy food, the credit union’s employees lived their mission to enrich and nourish the lives of others through this gift to Mayhew. Their generous contribution is helping Mayhew provide approximately 1,142 meals to the boys this summer.

Northeast Credit Union President & Chief Executive Officer Chris Parker spoke about their support, saying “we’ve seen firsthand how important the Mayhew Program is to young people in our state; witnessing how the skills instilled in each child help them overcome challenges truly moved us. Each interaction we’ve had with the Program has inspired us to do more. I’m proud of the Northeast team for coming together to support the Mayhew Program by discovering new opportunities to enrich the lives of these young people.”

The credit union’s generosity didn’t end with strengthening the meal program. Members of Northeast’s leadership team came to visit Mayhew Island this summer and brought with them so many program enhancing goodies. Through an internal drive at the credit union, team members gathered oodles of art supplies to support the summer program - six bags full of crayons, colored pencils, paint, paper, glue, crafts, and more! Each cabin group participates in an art activity period 4 to 5 times each session during the summer, and these fantastic supplies will be incredibly useful as the art counselor keeps the boys’ creativity engaged throughout the summer.

In another wonderful show of support for the Mayhew boys, along with the art supplies, the Northeast team arrived for their visit outfitted with gift bags for all 84 boys on the island. Each bag contains summer essentials - a water bottle, lip balm, personal size sunscreen, bug repellent bracelet, and small first aid kit - to last the boys through the rest of summer. There were many smiling faces as boys from the first session departed, well prepared thanks to the credit union!

It truly is through the power of many that Mayhew moves forward, and we are so thankful for the generous support and incredible partnership of Northeast Credit Union.

Members of Northeast Credit Union's leadership team with cabin group representatives after a delicious meal together and presentation of the summer essentials gift bags.

Northeast Credit Union visitors chat with the Hungry Hungry Hippos during Art - a chance to see how their donated supplies will be put to creative use!

A happy group of 1st session campers ready to head home with their Northeast Credit Union gift bags!

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