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Link-Up Week 6: The Final Adventure!

By Jim O'Brien, Link-Up Co-Leader

For the 6th and final week of summer for 2024 Links, the group strived to find their best! These guys really showcased an impressive display of character, as they built each other up, found more patience, and unified around group goals. The growth in leadership within this group was outright remarkable!

Monday evening, as the week kicked off with a warm meal, the group started up a dynamic discussion of how we could make the best of Tuesday’s time together. The group suggested a variety of activities with fishing being a top pick, but ultimately decided to travel west towards the Vermont- New Hampshire border for an adventure.

Tuesday morning after breakfast the group made their lunches, packed the van and took a ride out to see the popular Quechee Gorge, the deepest gorge in the state of Vermont - it drops a total of 165 feet! The group hiked along the edge admiring the white rapids below and the colorful stratification of the rocky cliffs. Once at the base we ate our packed lunch and hiked back up to visit the Vermont Institute of Natural Sciences (VINS).

At VINS, the Links got a chance to experience nature up close as we learned about reptiles and different birds of prey. Some guys even got a chance to touch a turtle and snake! The group walked across the tree canopy and admired large bird sculptures made of steel and twisted rebar. They scaled a rope web and climbed a tower to see both the high and low spots of the area. After hiking along the trees the links practiced staying very still as we learned about the different songbirds in the region and how each one had a unique call. We witnessed Eagles, Owls, and Kestrels hunt down and eat during the raptor feeding session. One of the group's favorite highlights was a demonstration where a massive Wolf Hawk flew back and forth just inches overhead. Talk about a close encounter!

After the day at VINS the group headed back to Mayhew Island to join the community for dinner, which gave the Links the opportunity to reflect on their time as campers. After dinner, on the paddle back to the mainland, the group decided to try their luck fishing. Just as the sun set, one link found himself tangled up with one tough smallmouth. This fish put up a good fight but was no match for Christian as he managed to reel it into the boat and hold it up for quick picture!

Wednesday the group cleaned up the Mayhew Base House, and prepared for our canoe adventure out to Belle Island. We enjoyed great weather, making it a fantastic day on the water. Once we arrived at Belle Island and setup camp, many of the guys were eager to swim and fish off the northern point of the island. We spent a great deal of time enjoying the lake before returning for a dinner of steak stir-fry, which was really good! That evening the group found plenty of time to relax, with some even getting a head start on the school year by diving into a AP US history text book to prepare for an upcoming research paper! As the sun began to set, the group tried their hand at canoe fishing again. Everywhere they looked fish jumped left and right. Some places on the lake seemed to boil with action but despite our efforts they weren’t sold on our bait selections. That was until Legion got the strike of a lifetime! The drag on his reel sounded off with the a loud hum and his rod tip bouncing rapidly. After a few quick jerks of his rod and a quick splash, the fish vanished like a ghost and we were all in shock. Whether it was a salmon, lake trout, or some other unknown lake monster, our 10 pound line was no match for what was lurking in those deep dark waters! After the fishing excitement we settled in for the night with s'mores and a campfire and mentally prepared for the next day's hike.

On Thursday morning, after eating some delicious breakfast burritos, we canoed back early to swapped out our gear for a day of hiking. We arrived at the Cardigan AMC lodge and headed up the Clark trail. As the fog and mist rolled in we arrived at the High Cabin mostly dry and agreed to hike to the south peak to experience the cold winds. As the rain began we ate a hearty dinner and played some Mayhew trivia. Discussions continued late into the evening and there was a scholarly debate as to who had the best Moose and Bear calls.

We welcomed Friday morning with a pancake breakfast before hiking down the Clark-Vistamont trail. We ate lunch inside the AMC lodge as we warmed up and talked about how to make Link-Up trips even better next year. The group even made new friends at the lodge as Kyon took on a challenger in a serious game of chess. The whole group huddled silently behind Kyon just like during the Human Chess Game back when they were campers on the Island. After leaving the lodge, and despite the less than ideal weather, the group made one final stop at the Newfound Fish Hatchery to feed the thousands of growing fish. They took the chance to learn about how New Hampshire Fish and Game stocks trout across the state -and pointed out some hungry hawks flying overhead!

As the trip came to close Friday afternoon, the group reflected on their experience, noting a theme of "leadership". One boy reflected, ”Mayhew has taught me that if you want to be a leader, then you must have a calm, respectful approach when interacting with peers. People like a leader they can connect with, not one that’s above them.” The group spent a lot of time building each other up over the week, staying calm with each other, and creating camaraderie. Their shared approach to leadership was clearly evident with each making an effort to not only make this an amazing trip but a community striving for its best!  

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